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Frequently Asked Questions

Please select the questions below to show the answers.

General Questions

How may I speak to the Dean or teacher?

You may call the division office to contact the Dean or instructor within that department. Call (707) 864-7000 to get the office and phone number for the division office. You may access the "Faculty & Staff" page (bottom left of homepage) on the SCC web site to find the division email and phone number.

Where may I make photocopies, print or send a fax? What is the charge?

There is a copy and fax machine available for student use in the Student Center (1400 building Cafeteria area), and three copy machines in the Library area (Building 100.) You can print at the Library computers. Please check with the staff in those areas regarding fees.

How may I get change or a refund for the vending machines?

To get change you may check with the Cafeteria or the Bookstore cashier. Go to the Student Development office in the 1400 building, in front of the Bookstore (Cafeteria Area) to get a refund or to report an out of order vending machine.

How may I get a class schedule or catalog? What is the difference?

You may view the online class schedule at My Solano, or view the printed version online. The class schedule lists the classes available for the current semester. The College Catalog is a publication where you may get an overview of the SCC history, mission and goals, programs and requirements, course descriptions, regulations, and policies. It is a great reference. You can view it online at  

How may I start my online class?

 Please go to our Student Resources webpage for information on Online Courses.  

What may I do if the class I want to take is closed?

Check with the teacher if there is a slot available for you and ask him/her to provide you with an add code  to add the course through My Solano or in person at the Admissions and Records office in Building 400.  

Where may I find the Lost and Found?

If you lost property around campus, check in offices within the area you lost it. If not there, call (707) 864-7000 ext. 4367 or stop by the Student Development Center (building 1400, Cafeteria and Bookstore area).
Matriculation Questions

Do I need to complete an Admission Application? Why? Is there a fee required?

If you are a new, a former student (out for one or more semesters), or an international student, you must complete an online application at before you can register for classes.

If you are a student in grades K-12 enrolled in a public or private school seeking special admission, you must submit a Special Admission Form with your application. Click on the link to download and print the required form, Special Admission. This program is to provide an educational enrichment opportunity to a limited number of eligible students who fulfill special admission standards.

Do I need to take the Assessment Test?  Where is the Assessment Center?

New State Legislation, AB705 does not require an English or Math Placement test. Instead information from High School GPA and individual course grades will be utilized for placement instead.

For more information please go to the Testing Center website for more information.

The Assessment Center is located on the main Fairfield campus in the 400 Building, Room #442. The Assessment testing schedule may be accessed online at the Assessment Center.

Students needing ESL (English as a Second Language) placement should go to the Testing Center website section for ESL students for more information.

How may I get Financial Aid? Where is the Financial Aid Office?

All students are encouraged to apply for the numerous Federal and State Financial Aid programs offered at Solano Community College.  By completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Renewal FAFSA, students are automatically considered for most federal and state programs.

Fee Waiver Program:  All California residents are encouraged to apply for a state funded Board of Governors Grant (BOGG) Fee Waiver to meet the California Community College mandatory enrollment fee.

The Financial Aid Office is located on the main FF campus in Student Services Building 400. Room #425.  You may access more information online at Financial Aid.

How may I get financial assistance to pay for books?

Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) offers services to students who are both financially and educationally disadvantaged.  Additional eligibility criteria include:
  • Be a legal resident of California.
  • Be enrolled in 12.0 semester units at Solano Community College.
  • Qualify for a Fee Waiver A or B.
  • Be educationally disadvantaged according to state defined Title V Education Code.
Services include assistance in transferring to four-year universities; academic, career and personal counseling; BOOK SERVICES; priority registration and EOPS grants for those who quality.  The EOPS Office is located in Building 400, Rm. 425 or you may visit online at EOPS.

Cooperative Agency Resources for Education (C.A.R.E.) Program provides additional support services for EOPS students which include assistance with childcare expenses, textbooks-supplies, and transportation costs; counseling and advisement, personal development; and help from peer counselors who are often single parents.

Should I see a counselor at Solano Community College?

 Students are advised to consult with a counselor prior to each registration period or once per semester because requirements differ for each program, major, and college or university and in addition, these requirements are subject to change. The counselors assist students in determining goals and planning programs to attain their goals. Careful course selection is the key to a successful college experience.  

How may I schedule an appointment with a counselor?

 Counselors are available on the main campus:
  • Monday – Thursday: 8:30 am – 6:00 pm
  • Friday: 8:30 am – 3:00 pm.
Appointments are scheduled in person, over the phone, or through Zoom on a  first come, first served basis. There are a limited amount of appointments each day. You can try to book an appointment online if available, Counseling Appointments.  

Is there counseling available at the off-campus sites?

 Counselors are available at the off-campus centers:
  • Travis Air Force Base
  • Vacaville Center
  • Vallejo Center

May I speak with a counselor over the phone?

 Yes, Quick questions can be answered during our Express Hours.  Longer counseling appointments over the phone can be scheduled through our front desk or online booking system. For more information please visit the Counseling Services website. 

How may I get my transcripts?

 Upon written request, two (2) official transcripts of record, bearing the signature of the Dean of Admissions and Records, will be mailed without charge. Additional copies are $2 each, payable in advance. A minimum of 5 – 10 working days should be allowed for processing transcript requests. Express service (one hour maximum) is available. The cost is $7.50 per transcript. Test scores and transcripts from other colleges are not a part of the Solano Community College transcript and must be requested.

Unofficial copies of SCC transcripts are accessible on My Solano. Additional details can be found on the Admission & Records Transcripts page.  

Will the counselors evaluate my international (foreign) transcripts?

 All international student admissions must file official transcripts from all secondary schools, universities or professional schools. Transcripts must be accompanied by an official English translation.

The counselors DO NOT evaluate international transcripts. Students may choose to have their international transcripts evaluated by a private company that provides either a general or detailed report for a fee. A list of companies that provide that service is linked here.

How may I register (enroll) for classes?

Registration is conducted by priority.  The priority registration definitions and schedule are listed in the Schedule of Classes

How may I register for a class with a prerequisite requirement? How can I clear it?

 A prerequisite requirement is a course or equivalent preparation that MUST be completed BEFORE enrolling in another course. A student's enrollment in a course with a prerequisite is blocked until the requirements of the prerequisite are satisfied. You may bring your official transcripts as proof of completion to the Office of Admissions and Records.

What is an SEP?

 An SEP is an Student Education Plan. An SEP is like a blueprint, in that it outlines courses in your major and general education courses on a semester-by-semester basis. Counselor are available to assist with development of an SEP based upon your college major(s) and the kind of degree to be earned. An SEP is considered a guideline for your future academic planning, therefore it can be revised if necessary.  

How may I find my instructor's email, office room or phone number?

 Instructor's names, email addresses, and phone numbers are listed on the college website  From the homepage, click on the 'Faculty & Staff' button and then click on the appropriate 'Division' link.  
Catalog Reference Questions

What majors, degrees and certificates are offered at SCC?

The list of program degrees and certificates offered at Solano Community College may be found in the General Catalog.

What do the course numbers mean at SCC?

The course numbering system at Solano Community College certifies the general or limited transferability of each course to the California State Universities.  The following numbering system indicates transferability, credit, or noncredit status and other related information.  For specific transfer information, students should consult a counselor and refer to the catalog of the prospective transfer institutions.

Course numbering system:
  • 1-49  qualifies for the AA/AS Degree; transfer to the University of California system and the California State University system.
  • 50-99 qualifies for the AA/AS Degree and transfers to the California State university system.
  • 100-199 qualifies for the AA/AS Degree but, generally, do not transfer to four-year institutions.
  • 300-399 credit courses which DO NOT apply to the AA/AS Degree.  Exception:  One English course below English 1 which may be applied to the Associate Degree as an elective. Do not transfer to four-year institutions.
  • 500-599 non-credit courses.
  • 600-799  Community Service courses.  These courses are non-credit and usually charge a fee.

Does SCC offer Radiology, Sonography, or Pharmacy, and Phlebotomy Certificate?

Solano Community College does not offer these particular programs, however, we do offer the following majors: Registered Nursing, EMT (Emergency Medical Technician), CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant), and Medical Office Specialist. You may find out information on schools offering your major by accessing the Career Coach web site, the Kaiser Permanente Allied School, and/or contact your local or nearby ROP office.

Does SCC offer classes for the GED completion?

SCC does not offer a GED completion program. You may check with your local Adult School. If you are more than 18 years old and did not complete your high school program, you may have a chance to start taking classes at SCC to complete a certificate or AA/AS degree and/or transfer to a four-year school.  You may file a SCC application for admission (, submit an official copy of your transcripts from high school to the Admissions & Records office, and then make an appointment with a counselor to plan your classes.

Do you have classes to learn to speak English (English as a Second Language)?

 Yes, all new non exempt (see exemption criteria listed under Matriculation) students enrolling for the first time in any college English, English as a Second Language or reading class must complete the appropriate testing (scheduled test session) to meet department requirements.  The Assessment Center is located in Building 400, Room #442.

Does SCC offer classes to prepare for the Real Estate State Exam?

 Yes, we offer a real estate principles class (RE 164) designed to assist those preparing for the real estate salespersons and brokers license examination (check with your local County or government office for requirements).  

May I take the CBEST or SAT at Solano Community College?

 We do not offer any college entry, advance or skills testing like CBEST ( or SAT ( through SCC.  
RN Program Questions

How do I apply to the Nursing Program at Solano Community College?

  • APPLY for admission online at (if you are not a current or former student.)
  • REQUEST that official transcripts from ALL colleges attended be SENT to Solano Community College, attention: Office of Admissions and Records and verify that ALL transcripts have been received.

    (Foreign college transcripts must be evaluated by a credentialed evaluation service including a detailed report which distinguishes lower and upper division unit values. A list of acceptable evaluation service companies is available in the Office of Admissions and Records.)
  • After verifying ALL your other college transcripts are in the Office of Admissions and Records, VISIT the Counseling office to sign in to start your transcripts evaluation process in order to get a future appointment with a counselor for a potential referral to the Registered Nursing Program.

How long is the waiting list?

You may contact the Health Sciences Department 707-864-7108 or stop by office # 805 (Building 800) to get waiting list information.