National Resources
We have organized WEB resources related to all categories of disabilities and all situations - from BENEFITS to LEGAL to EMPLOYMENT to EDUCATION and much more. Enjoy these informative resources.
- Advocacy
- Aids
- Assistive Technology
- Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder
- Benefits
- Blind/Low Vision
- Brain Injury
- Deaf/Hearing Impairment
- Disability Services Programs at Other Colleges
- Disabilities - General Information
- Education
- Educators and Administrators
- Equipments
- Employment
- Governmental Access Agencies
- Health Resources and Medical Research
- History of the Disability Rights Movement
- Learning Disabilities
- Legal
- Magazines
- Miscellaneous Informational Sites
- Parents Informational Sites
- Psychiatric Disabilities
- Scholarship Information for Students with Disabilities
- Search Engines
- Sports and Disabilities
External links below, opens in new windows.
National Council on Independent Living
Self Advocacy Resource Network
Self Advocates Becoming Empowered
World Institute On Disabilities
News and Advocacy on Disability Rights Mainstream Magazine
Advocacy in Special Education and in with Disabilities in General
The Council for Disability Rights
A non-profit organization in Chicago providing public education, information, referrals,
counseling, job training, and many other services to the disabled community. Though
many of their programs are local to the Chicago area, much of the information they
provide is not.
The Ragged Edge Magazine
Covers the disability experience in America - what it means to be a disabled and
living at the start of the 21st century.
Newsgroup Archive
Steve Gold's Treasured Bits of Information Newsgroup Archive
Resource to the higher education community, providing a listing of services for those
concerned with disability and access in higher education.
Human Rights and Responsibilities
Centers of Disease Control FAQ
Assistive Technology
Department of Rehabilitation
Center for Applied Technology (CAST). An educational, not-for-profit organization
that uses technology to expand opportunities for all people, including those with
Wikipedia - Section 508
Accessibility standards for electronic and information technology covered by section
508 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998.
Voice to Speech Technology Information
Information about voice to speech technology.
Tech Connections. Information and dissemination project funded to assist VR agency
staff and others on applications of assistive technology (AT). Supported through a
grant from the U.S. Department of Education, National Institute on Disability and
Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). Target audiences are vocational rehabilitation programs
and agencies, rehabilitation training programs, schools, community rehabilitation
programs interested in using technology resources and services. Toll-free information
service, resources and information on applications of assistive technology, information
resources and technical assistance on ways that AT can be better used to assist persons
with disabilities find employment and independence.
The Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access
Web-Based Technology
Website offering information on the latest web-based technology for people with disabilities.
Web Teaching
"How to Design Accessible Web Pages" Article presented by Web Teaching
Web Style Guide
"Web Style Guide: Basic Design Principles for Creating Web Sites, 2nd Ed." and has
a matching website.
Educational transcription service for Students who need Alternative or Additional
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Voluntary organization that develops and maintains
the common standards and protocols for the Internet. Facilitates access to the contents
of web sites for persons with disabilities.
Information on access to books for visually impaired and otherwise print disabled
individuals. Shows how to enable book scans to be shared, thereby leveraging the collections
of thousands of individuals who regularly scan books, eliminating significant duplication
of effort.
Listening Devices
Demystifying Assistive Listening Devices. Website that offers "clearing house" of
Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA).
An interdisciplinary association of people with a common interest in technology and
All Types of Assistive Technology
Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder
ADDitude Magazine
ADD and Learning Disabilities – ADDitude Magazine WEB site
Disability Benefits 101
Disability Secrets
Blind Low Vision
National Federation of the Blind
The purpose of the National Federation of the Blind is two-fold-to help blind persons
achieve self-confidence and self-respect and to act as a vehicle for collective self-expression
by the blind.
American Council for the Blind
The Council strives to improve the well-being of all blind and visually impaired
people by: serving as a representative national organization of blind people; elevating
the social, economic and cultural levels of blind people; improving educational and
rehabilitation facilities and opportunities; cooperating with the public and private
institutions and organizations concerned with blind services; encouraging and assisting
all blind persons to develop their abilities and conducting a public education program
to promote greater understanding of blindness and the capabilities of blind people.
American Foundation for the Blind
The American Foundation for the Blind-to which Helen Keller devoted more than 40
years of her life -has been eliminating barriers that prevent people who are blind
or visually impaired from reaching their potential. The American Foundation for the
Blind is dedicated to addressing the critical issues of literacy, independent living,
employment, and access through technology for the ten million Americans who are blind
or visually impaired.
Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic
Changed their name in 1995 to Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic, to serve all people
with "print disabilities" - those who can't effectively read standard print because
of a disability. Today, they serve more than 102,000 members worldwide, distributing
243,029 titles in 2001. More than 70 percent of their membership - which includes
students in kindergarten through graduate school, as well as working professionals
- are recognized with learning disabilities.
Tutorial Assistance
Brain Injury
Brain Injury Association. The mission of the Brain Injury Association of America is
to create a better future through brain injury prevention, research, education and
Brain Injury Association
Deaf/Hearing Impairment
Miscellaneous Deaf Resources
Deaf Resource Library
Harris Communications, assistive products designed for deaf and hard of hearing people.
National Deaf Center; hearing impairment related resources.
NICD, National Information Center on Deafness
DDTP, Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications
Disability Services at Other Colleges
Cuesta Community College
San Francisco City College Student Services
Diablo Valley College
Sacramento City College
San Diego City College
Taft College
Sacramento State University
California State University East Bay, Concord
San Francisco State University
Sonoma State University
University of California Davis
Napa Valley College
Shasta College Transition Services – full of info about disabilities
University of California - Berkeley
Disabilities - General Information
General Disability Web Site
People First
Disabled in Action
California Disability Community Action Network
Great Resources
Families and Parents with Disabilities
Disability World
National Invisible Disabilities Awareness Week
National Organization on Disability
Promotes the full and equal participation and contribution of America's 54 million
men, women and children with disabilities in all aspects of life.
World Council on Disability
An internationally recognized public policy center organized by and for people with
disabilities. Stated mission is to strengthen the disability movement through research,
training, advocacy, and public education so that people with disabilities, throughout
the world, enjoy increased opportunities to live independently.
Rehability Institute of Chicago
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago has been ranked the "best Rehabilitation Hospital
in America" by U.S. News & World Report. See what they have to say about themselves.
NDSU The National Disabled Students Union
(NDSU) is a nationwide, cross-disability, student organization concerned with civil
rights. We work to ensure that all disabled students have the opportunities they need
to learn, the opportunities they need to live and work, and the opportunities they
need to be full participants in their communities and full members of American society.
Disabled Community
Our hope is that this clearinghouse of information on disabilities will help people
with disabilities, their friends, families, caregivers and social service agencies,
find the information needed to improve our quality of life.
National Disabled Students Union
College Resource for Students with Disabilities
Higher Education Resource
Post-secondary access. Resource to the higher education community, providing a menu
of services re: disability and access in higher education.
Listserv Archives
Disabled Student Services in Higher Education listserv archives.
Association on Higher Education and Disability
Post Secondary Information
Accommodating Students with Disabilities in the Post-Secondary Environment. Information
designed to help college faculty and instructors understand their role in the educational
accommodation process.
Web Resources for College Students with Disabilities
This is a document supported by the US Department of Education, Office of Special
Education Programs.
Educators and Administrators
The Faculty Room
This is a space for faculty and administrators at postsecondary institutions to learn
about how to create classroom environments and activities that maximize the learning
of all students, including those with disabilities. This site includes six primary
areas that address issues faced by postsecondary educators.
Computer Technologies Program – Training and Employment – Berkeley
Disabled Person
ADA – All about the Americans with Disabilities Act
US Department of Justice
Additional ADA Information
US Department of Labor
Means to design, develop, and administer innovative programs that further career
and competitive employment goals of individuals with disabilities and/or support integration
of One-Stop Center system.
Able to Work
Consortium of businesses dedicated to increasing the employment of people with disabilities
through a coordinated effort of North America's largest employers.
National Business & Disability Council- (free resume posting)
Job Search Assistance
American Association of People with Disabilities
Job Accommodation Network (JAN) West Virginia University
(800) 526-7234 (V/TTY)
Free consulting service providing information about job accommodations, the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the employability of people with disabilities.
Virtual Career Fair for people with disabilities.
Special Reports on Disabilities in the Workplace.
Equal Opportunity
Career Opportunities for Students with Disabilities (COSD)
A unique consortium composed of large and small universities, well - known national
employers and US Government agencies focused on the career employment of college graduates
with disabilities. COSD is funded through a grant provided by the U. S. Department
of Labor Office of Disability and Employment Policy.
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
1 (800) 669-4000 (voice)(800) 669-6820 (TTD).
Established by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and began operating on July
2, 1965. The EEOC enforces federal statutes.
Higher Ed Jobs
Faculty and Staff Positions in College and University Disability Programs and Departments.
Products for all Disabilities
Disability Products
Governmental Access Agencies
U.S. Department of Justice
Includes phone numbers for information.
(800) 514-0301 Voice
800) 514-0383 TTY
ADA Technical Assistance Program
Social Security Administration
(800)772-1213 voice (800)325-0778 TTY
SSA Work
National Council on Disability
An independent federal agency making recommendations to the President and Congress
on issues Americans with disabilities. Composed of 15 members appointed by the President
and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. In its 1986 report Toward Independence, first proposed
that Congress should enact a civil rights law for people with disabilities.
Office of Civil Rights (OCR)
Phone numbers
(800) 421-3481 voice
(800) 521-2172 TTDe-
US Department of Health & Human Services, Assistant Secretary for Planning & Evaluation, Disability, Aging & Long Term Care
For information about the United States Department of Education
Health Resources and Medical Research
Customized Research Reports On Any Medical Condition Or Health Topic
Mr Health Search
On-Line Services, Inc., founded by cancer survivor who gathers information on any
and all types of cancer or other illness directly for clients. Claims that their researchers
have extensive on-line experience and training from the National Library of Medicine
and from other medical database providers. Searches databases for clients and provides
a report of the current developments and experiments.
Find Cure
The Moss Report. More than 200 reports on various types of cancer, covering conventional
and alternative treatments. Monthly updates.
Cancer Decisions
National Center for Biotechnology Information. Database a catalog of human genes
and genetic disorders. Contains textual information, pictures, and reference information.
National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc (provides information about rare diseases.
Epilepsy Foundation offers first aid information on how to respond to seizures.
Epilepsy Foundation
History of the Disability Rights Movement
Disability Social History Project
Disability History from 1800 to 1990’s
Disability History
Disability Studies – History Dateline
History Dateline
Disability History Museum
Disability Museum
Learning Disabilities
Link that presents information about several areas of disabilities, including learning
Learning Disabilities Information
LD Pride
Learning Disability Pride
Charles Schwab and Learning Disabilities
Charles Schwab
The Frostig Center. Specializes in working with children who have learning disabilities. Dedicated to
a three-part mission of: Conducting research on the causes/effects of learning disabilities;
Providing parent, tutor, educator training and consultation in how to work with children
who struggle to learn; and Offering direct instructional services to children with
learning. Also recommends research publications in the area of postsecondary education.
Frostig Contact
Frostig Research
Drew University offers information on how to teach students with learning disabilities.
Has much information in special approaches/strategies to teaching writing and composition.
Drew University
California Office for Civil Rights
San Francisco Office
U.S. Department of Education
50 Beale Street, Suite 7200
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415)486-5570 FAX
ADA Assistance Center
Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF). A national law and policy center
dedicated to protecting and advancing the civil rights of people with disabilities
through legislation, litigation, advocacy, technical assistance, and education and
training of attorneys, advocates, persons with disabilities, and parents of children
with disabilities.
Legal Services of Northern California
Center for Law and Education
United States Department of Justice Web Page that Addresses ADA Issues.
United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Agency charged with the responsibility
of investigating and enforcing employment laws.
Disability Rights Activists (DRA). Legal Center dedicated to protecting the rights
of people with disabilities around the world.
Listserv for those who want to discuss ADA case law
(This is not a website)
Commonly asked questions about service animals and answers from the Department of
DOJ Animal Information
The Center for Individual Rights (CIR). Nonprofit public interest law firm dedicated
to the defense of individual liberties.
Disability Magazines and Books
Magazine, Publication, and Newspapers
Disability Magazines and Media Resource Center
Miscellaneous Informational Sites
Center for Independent Living in Berkeley – Lots of Info and Resources
CIL Berkeley
Center for Applied Special Technology
Discussion Network about disability related issues
Discussion Network
Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center Products for all Disabilities
Information about service animals and how they can help people with disabilities to
be more mobile.
Delta Society
Parents Informational Sites
Parents Helping Parents
Advocacy Resource for Parents
TA Alliance
A Parent's Guide to College. A guide to help understand the transition process from
high school to college for your child with a disabilityCenter for Applied Special
Parent's Guide to College
Focus Adolescent Services. Provides a wealth of information for parents who want
to learn more about learning disabilities and other learning problems.
Consortium for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education. Web site of a
federally funded project whose mission is to provide technical assistance and information
dissemination concerning techniques for preventing and resolving disagreements related
to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Dispute Resolution
ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG) As amended through
January 1998
ADA Accessibility Guidelines
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Information. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
a service of the Substance and Mental Health Services Administration
Site with disability-related news and commentary from around the world.
Disability World
Wrightslaw is the leading website about special education law and advocacy, with
thousands of articles, cases, and free resources about dozens of special education
topics, books by Peter Wright and Pamela Wright, and special education law and advocacy
Mailsports offers a Water Safety For Children tips and information guide
Psychiatric Disabilities
The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) is a nonprofit, grassroots, self-help,
support and advocacy organization of consumers, families, and friends of people with
severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder,
obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders.
NAMI Mental Health
The National Mental Health Association (NMHA), the country's oldest and largest nonprofit
organization addressing all aspects of mental health and mental illness. NMHA works
to improve the mental health of all Americans, especially the 54 million individuals
with mental disorders, through advocacy, education, research and service.
Behavioral Health
Recovery Opportunity
Scholarship Information for Students with Disabilities
Print publication designed to put information about funds: Review the 2002-2004 edition
of Financial Aid for the Disabled and Their Families.
Financial Aid Information
USA Funds is a private student loan company. It offers scholarships to students with
USA Funds
Dogpile, does multiple searches simultaneously.
Sports and Disabilities
The official website of the National Wheelchair Basketball Association
Directory of Athletes with Disabilities Organizations
Disabled Sports USA
Note: This list of websites is for your examination; it is not necessarily comprehensive
and is not an endorsement of any of the services and information offered/described.
If you find information in this list that is incorrect, offensive or otherwise inappropriate,
please contact me. Likewise, if you would like to offer feedback, or if you know of
an additional resource not listed that you feel should be included because it may
be of help to others, please let me know. Contact me at email address –
Acknowledgements – Dr. John Wilde, City College of San Francisco, c/o R323, 50 Phelan
Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 or email me at